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Vacation Bible Study at CFC Berkeley (2020)


Dear parents and friends,

Greetings!  I hope you are all staying safe and sound during a unique time like this.  Thank you for joining the VBS fun in the past.  This year again to serve elementary kids K to 5th grade, CFC Berkeley church offers a virtual online VBS.  It will happen during the week of July 20th to 24th from 11 am to 12 pm.  The one hour each day fun includes music, games, hands-on crafts, cool snacks demo, and Bible lessons.  It’s mainly led by our CFC children’s ministry and our wonderful Agape volunteers. 

We are very excited and welcome you to join us.  It’s completely free this year but we will prepare a craft kit for kids.  You can register by extracting the QR code in the poster or by simply emailing Yang and Shaomay at

Thank you and God bless!