worship ministry's main goal...
is to strive to see our church be a church that worships in spirit and in truth. This is a great opportunity to serve for those who God has given musical talents and abilities. We believe that corporate worship is more than just the songs that we sing, but also the truth that all worship stems from. We strive to sing the Bible to each other and encourage each other with songs of praise. The Worship Ministry Team consists of the worship team and A/V Team.
serving on worship and Tech Team
Interested in learning more about worship? Want to serve on the worship or A/V team?
Do you have any song suggestions? Curious about the sound and tech behind-the-scenes? Interested in serving on our A/V team? Shoot us an email at worshipcore.cfc@gmail.com or talk to anyone in the tech booth or worship team on Sunday!
Worship Team Photo Gallery